National Bank: people who did not pay monetary value and legal power in the territory of Cambodia will be subject to a fine equivalent to 100 times the amount not paid

As stipulated in Article 43 and 64 of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the National Bank of Cambodia, which was promulgated by the Royal Decree No. NS / RKM / 0196/27 dated 26 January 1996, "while not withdrawn from circulation, then bills [...] that published by the Central Bank is the monetary worth legal in Cambodia and has the power to free Cain Without Borders [...]." "A person who refused payment currency valuable legal and has the power to free Cain on the territory of Cambodia, that person will be sentenced to a fine equivalent to 100 times the amount that will not settled it."

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National Bank: people who did not pay monetary value and legal power in the territory of Cambodia will be subject to a fine equivalent to 100 times the amount not paid National Bank: people who did not pay monetary value and legal power in the territory of Cambodia will be subject to a fine equivalent to 100 times the amount not paid Reviewed by Oun Sophy on 11:22:00 AM Rating: 5

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